Tuesday, December 9, 2008

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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Big Steak

Last quarter I participated in a tech writing project where we had to make some sort of instruction manual. We did such a good job, that the company we made it for, gave us(4 people) a $200 gift card to AJ Spurs. I had never heard of it before, but apparently they have steak that is pretty good. Our group never made it the steakhouse last quarter because we were busy during finals week, but this past Friday we were finally able to go. On the car ride down all we could do was fantasize about how much food we were going to get because we had so much money to spend. When we sat down and were able to look at the menu, all I could think about was how big of a steak I was going to get. At first look, the 26 ounce porterhouse looked very appetizing. I had not ate much all day and had been living off Chef Boyardee for about a week, so any big steak sounded amazing. Then as my eyes moved towards the center of the menu, I saw something called "AJ's Gambler." With a name like that I had to check it out. As I read the description, I found my dream meal. A 35 ounce cut of top sirloin with potatoes and rice pilaf. Not only that, but if I ate the whole steak they would give me a badass t-shirt! It was a college students dream, a gigantic free meal AND free clothes(which means less laundry trips). While we were waiting, all I could think about was how good this meal was going to be. I kept myself from eating any appetizers or salads so my stomach was ready to overcome the beast of a steak. When the massive piece of meat finally lay before me I started to have doubts of whether I could eat a steak that was bigger than both of my fists combined. I got through about 3/4 of the steak and then bad memories started to run through my mind. What are these bad memories you ask? Well let me tell you that story.
On my way back from visiting SLO over the summer a couple of my friends and I decided to stop in LA to visit my other friend. We had not eaten all day so we figured we could all go get dinner together. My friend from LA suggested we go to this Korean BBQ place that apparently had great food, and to make things better, it was a buffet. Now if you never have had Korean BBQ, it basically is all you can eat meat and lettuce. There is a grill in the middle of your table so you do all of the cooking. Most groups of 4 get around 3-4 plates of meat because each plate has about 1 pound of meat and they serve you a "salad like" dish, along with soup. But in our instance we decided to order 12 plates of meat, which yes, translates into about 12 pounds of meat, which also means about 3 pounds per person. You may not believe me, but none of us were under the influence of any substance. I don't know if that makes it any better, but...yah. How we ate that much food, I do not know...Motivation I would think? You see, after about 8 plates we were all full, but one of my friends had the brilliant idea of playing quarters, but this time instead of using beer we would be using pieces of meat. Whoever lost, had to eat. "Here", he said, "is where your skills will truly be tested." The rest is history and we were basically asked to leave because we ate so much food.
From that experience, I learned that a person can easily feel full for a day. I woke up the next morning and still felt like I just ate the biggest meal of my life. I don't think I ate much of anything until 2 mornings after our feat and even then I couldn't eat much. This is why I decided to give up after making it through about 3/4 of that steak. I could feel that same fullness coming on to me that I felt before at the Korean BBQ, and I did not want to face the consequences. But our waitress still gave me an A for effort and was nice enough to give me a t-shirt anyways. It was a good night; I had leftovers for another meal and got a new shirt!

Check out the other blogs listed on mine, especially Joe's.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Heroes Update

After finally seeing the fourth episode of Heroes, I think I am almost convinced that the storyline for this season is going in the right direction. The season premiere was way too confusing but now everything is coming together fairly well. I am really excited to see the next episode now that I am getting a better feel of what is going on.
The one thing I hate about Heroes is that its on at 9pm on Monday. I mean come on. That is always when the last 2 or 3 minutes are of Monday Night Football and a lot of the games this year have been really close. And even though I like Heroes, it can't beat watching a game winning drive in the last 2 minutes of a football game. Plus, I can always watch the episodes later and with less commercials, so I guess it is worth the trade-off.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Big Hit

Last Sunday I was sitting around watching football like I always do, keeping track of my team, and keeping track of my players for my fantasy football team. About halfway through the day I found out my star receiver on my fantasy football team, Anquan Boldin got injured. My first thought was "I hope he still got me some fantasy points." When it got to halftime of the game I was watching though, the extremity of his injury was brought forward. They showed a clip of the hit he took that caused the injury, and to tell you the truth, it is in my top 3 for worst hits I have ever seen. Not only did it look extremely painful, but I also thought he could have been paralyzed from the hit. . A brief description of the hit is basic: he jumped up to catch a ball and got his head sandwiched in between two other defensive players helmets(both running at him at full speed). I posted the clip on my youtube link so you can see it if you feel inclined to. I was relieved to hear a couple days ago that Anquan is moving around(not because he is on my fantasy football team) and tests have shown so far that the hit resulted in only a fractured sinus membrane. I am not sure what that means but apparently it isn't too bad, especially considering that paralyzation wasn't out of the question based on first looks of the hit. All I can say is a lot of these guys who play in the NFL are rediculously tough. I don't think there are many people who could take a hit like that and say they want to play in a game a week later.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I have decided to follow one of my main themes of my blog and use this post to talk about the hit TV show "Heroes". I'll first backtrack to when I first saw the commercials for Heroes. I was very skeptical of a TV show about people with superhuman abilities, mainly because I did not think anything could top the good old cartoons I watched as a kid. To tell you the truth I did not even watch the show until about half way through the season when I was convinced to "watch a couple episodes and see if I liked it." I was very surprised when I watched the first couple episodes because it was not like anything I had expected. The creators created a storyline unlike any superhero show I had ever seen, so, of course, I was hooked. I watched every new episode when they came out and could not believe that the stupid writer's strike last year cut the second season short. SO...I waited, wondering what the writers had in store for season three. Then, 2 or 3 months ago, I saw a commercial for the third season. Normally, such as with "Lost", I can't wait to see what the next season has to offer, but this particular instance did not result in the same reaction. The writers has decided to dedicate the upcoming season to "Villians." My first reaction was that "Heroes" was going to lose its originality and just turn into a horrible knock-off of the X-Men story. Then two weeks ago the two hour season premiere was on and I was hoping that "Heroes" would not falter down the wrong path. Unfortunately, by the end of the episode my question was still not answered. I could only hope that episode two might give me some more answers as to which way the story would be going. I watched episode 2 last night and felt a lot better about where the writers might be taking the story, but I still have a lot of skepticism. I am going to continue to watch "Heroes" and plan on sticking with it, as long as the writers maintain the originality that had initially hooked me to the show. I am going to be giving my thoughts every week on whether I think the show is still worth watching because right now I am stuck in the middle of a teeter totter.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Preface

So I figured to start my blog I would explain my title. I know at first glance it looks like a list of characters for a horrible western film, but I can assure their significance will make sense shortly. My fascination for sports and superheros started when I was a little kid and has never really stopped. The only difference now is that I have a favorite superhero and team in each sport. After the 1995 season in both football and baseball I knew who my favorites teams were(the world series/super bowl winners of course!). I was 8 years old though so give me a break, I was allowed to be a bandwagon fan. But ever since that season, to this day, I have been an avid Atlanta Braves and Dallas Cowboys fan. How I became a Notre Dame Fighting Irish fan I really can't recall, but I know it was around that same time. It would not surprise me if I became an Irish fan due to that fact that most USC fans hate them. I am from southern california and have surprisingly developed a strong hate for SoCal sports teams. Lakers, Chargers, Padres, you name it, I probably do not like the team very much if they are from southern california. I developed my disliking of the Chargers and Padres due to their poor team management when I was younger but that's a different story. That covers just about all of the title of my blog except for one last thing: Batman. I just had to put him in their because I think he's a badass and the best superhero created. I hope if you have seen The Dark Knight that you had already seen Batman Begins because it is just as good. I think that explains it all...Now I am curious what else I am going to write on this blog...Stay Tuned..